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Pros and Cons of Franchise Businesses
For the individual owner, there are definite advantages to franchising, some of which are outlined in the list below.
- Well-known trademark, either regionally or nationally, and its cumulative goodwill - saving the business owner the cost of creating and advertising a name that customers already recognize.
- Established business framework - minimizing the startup problems and guesswork involved in starting a new business.
- Well-tested sources of supply and service - saving time and trouble in finding suppliers of needed products and ... Read More
Franchise Legal Considerations
One of the most important events in franchising is the introduction of the Franchise Rule on October 21, 1979 by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC Franchise Rule requires all franchisors operating anywhere in the U.S. to make full disclosure of the information that a prospective franchisee needs in order to make a rational decision about whether or not to invest.
In effect, the rule obliges franchisors to meet certain FTC standards, such as ensuring that a reasonable basis for any claims exists, that the disclosure has been prepared in accordance with accepted accounting principles, and that there is evidence to support the financial claims, and that the franchisee, among others, can see ... Read More
A Checklist of Questions to Answer Before You Buy A Franchise
Franchise businesses such as Wendy's, McDonald's and Jack-In-The-Box are booming. The people setting up franchise ideas and businesses know a good thing, and are really promoting this idea. Franchises for just about every conceivable kind of business are being sold in ever increasing numbers.
Some franchises are very good. They treat both the franchisor and the franchisee very well. Others are very one-sided. Still others are almost total rip-offs that trap one into paying ten to fifty times the actual value of the business idea, equipment, or what ever it is they are trying to get you to buy ... Read More