Video Game Store For Sale

Listing ID: 70088452

Listing Title: Video Game Store For Sale

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Industry: Retail

Industry Segment: Other Retail

Country: United States

State / Province: Michigan


City: Macomb County

Asking Price Range: < $250K

Gross Revenues: $150,000

Cash Flow: $50,000

Cash Flow Type: EBITDA

Year Established: 2006

Number of Employees: 1 - 3

Business Description:
Must sell very attractive video game store for sale. Due to divorce, the owner must sacrifice for $60,000. The store has been in business for 1 year and has a customer base of approximately 1,800. Lack of advertising and a divorce has caused this store to never reach its potential. Store hosts tournaments on 9 LCD HD TV's, offers video game console repair and disc repair. New owner would need to invest in advertising and increase the inventory to make the store prosper. Store is approximately 1,240 sq feet and can be run by 1 full time owner and a part time employee. Email or call (586) 854-0072 for more information.

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