Chiropractic Clinic For Sale

Listing ID: 700399402

Listing Title: Chiropractic Clinic For Sale

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Industry: Health and Medical

Industry Segment: Chiropractic Practices

Country: United States

State / Province: California


City: Central Valley

Asking Price Range: $250K - $500K

Gross Revenues: $520,000

Cash Flow: $331,000

Cash Flow Type: Sellers Discretionary Cash

Year Established: 1968

Number of Employees: 1 - 3

Business Description:
High Status Turnkey Clinic for Sale � Fresno Area CA A coveted lifestyle + plenty of discretionary spending money are yours for the taking at this prestigious chiropractic clinic. Established 51 years ago, the business has a large + active patient base with steady long-term collections that grow year-on-year. A trained associate is currently in place. Relish an easy buying experience with well-established office systems. Save on marketing + receive new inquiries thanks to the stellar online reputation. Highly transferable branding. The Fresno area is known for its relaxed pace of life, with family-owned restaurants + mountain adventures to enjoy at weekends. Call 888-508-9197 for more info.

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