Chiropractic Clinic For Sale

Listing ID: 700325970

Listing Title: Chiropractic Clinic For Sale

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Industry: Health and Medical

Industry Segment: Chiropractic Practices

Country: United States

State / Province: Florida


City: Clearwater

Asking Price Range: < $250K

Gross Revenues: $615,000

Cash Flow: $153,000

Cash Flow Type: Sellers Discretionary Cash

Year Established: 2000

Number of Employees: 1 - 3

Business Description:
Chiropractic + regenerative care clinic for sale in beautiful Clearwater, FL. $153,000 net income with MD in clinic just 3 -10 days a month. DC owner works approximately 10 hours per week. Clinic has only been open 18 months and has shown incredible growth � so much opportunity for this to explode! Both pain management + cosmetic services = diversified revenue streams. Beautiful and modern webpage + clinic with $50,000 of brand new equipment and furnishings. Build up chiropractic side for even more growth potential. Well- established web presence with 5 star review status. MD willing to stay up to six months for smooth transition. Located in busy shopping center at the 2nd largest and busiest intersection in Clearwater, which was voted the ''Top Beach Town in Florida'' features affordable housing + great schools. Life here revolves around the ocean, so start your days with a jog on the beach, spend your evenings at the Pier watching the sunset, and enjoy weekends filled with swimming, boating, fishing, and dining on delicious, fresh seafood! Call Kevin at 512.523.9110 for more details.

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