High Quality Metal Fabricator With Robotics


Listing ID: 700272011

Listing Title: High Quality Metal Fabricator With Robotics

Quick Link: http://www.globalbx.com/listing.asp?bId=272011

Industry: Manufacturing

Industry Segment: Metals Manufacturing

Country: United States

State / Province: New York

Area New York City Area

City: New York

Asking Price Range: $2.5M - $5.0M

Gross Revenues: $3,613,000

Cash Flow: $706,000

Cash Flow Type: EBITDA

Year Established: 1993

Number of Employees: 20 - 34

Business Description:
Sheet Metal Fabricator capable in both production and short run situations. The manufacturing operations are equipped with the latest inspection capabilities. The Company uses the Cordex Discovery CMM from Sheffield Measurement Systems. Process and manufacturing efficiency is improved and controlled through the Discovery III non-contact measurement system. The Company has been designing, manufacturing and finishing custom sheet metal products for more than 20 years. It is widely known for its fast response and turn-around times. The Company is vertically integrated with expertise and capabilities ranging from shearing, punching, cutting, rolling, grinding and finishing. The Company has a strong customer base with numerous long term contracts. Listed Price: $ 2,800,000 Phone: 212-661-4160

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