Exclusive Marble And Granite Business For Sale


Listing ID: 70021751

Listing Title: Exclusive Marble And Granite Business For Sale

Quick Link: http://www.globalbx.com/listing.asp?bId=21751

Industry: Business Services

Industry Segment: Construction

Country: United States

State / Province: California

Area Northern California - Bay Area

City: San Francisco

Asking Price Range: $1.0M - $2.5M

Gross Revenues: $7,000,000

Cash Flow: $500,000

Cash Flow Type: EBITDA

Year Established: 1995

Number of Employees: 10 - 19

Business Description:
This company did the marble and granite work for high profile projects like the Ronald Reagan building and the Parisian Hotel in Las Vegas. In addition, they have completed fine work in the homes of a number of well known stars in California, where they are based. The granite and marble are imported from Italy, and the owner uses local union labor in the city of the work site. He is willing to stay on for a transition period of up to two years. The business is highly profitable, but $500,000 in additional working capital is desirable for the growth expected this year - (approximately 75% growth rate). Contact for more information on this Marble And Granite business for sale.

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