Internal Medicine Practice For Sale

Listing ID: 700212456

Listing Title: Internal Medicine Practice For Sale

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Industry: Health and Medical

Industry Segment: Medical Practices

Country: United States

State / Province: California

Area Northern California - Bay Area

City: San Francisco

Asking Price Range: $250K - $500K

Gross Revenues: $1,600,000

Cash Flow: $550,000

Cash Flow Type: Sellers Discretionary Cash

Year Established: 1984

Number of Employees: 6 - 9

Business Description:
Primary care medical practice established 30+ years in a highly desirable part of San Francisco. Consistently collects ~$1,600,000 annually with a predominant amount of PPO patients. MD Owner maintains a light schedule, which can be expanded at a Buyer's discretion. Stable office staff and clinical staff in place. This is a thriving practice in the heart of a major hub of culture and business on the West Coast. San Francisco is renowned for its eclectic mix of architecture and landmarks as well as cultural attractions and vibrant culture. Up to 100% Bank Financing Available. For details call 800-416-2055 (x 225)

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