Golf Information Business For Sale

Listing ID: 700196029

Listing Title: Golf Information Business For Sale

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Industry: Technology – Internet Related

Industry Segment: Other Technology – Internet Related

Country: United States

State / Province: Florida


City: Pompano Beach

Asking Price Range: < $250K

Gross Revenues: $25,000

Cash Flow: $25,000

Cash Flow Type: Sellers Discretionary Cash

Year Established: 2008

Number of Employees: 1 - 3

Business Description:
US Golf Data owns, licenses and maintains information on over 17,000 US courses, including tees and yardages. The data has been built from the ground up over the past four years and our clients include some of the largest names in the golf industry as well as many start up projects and websites. The business includes existing clients, a great name, and also a golf scoring software system that is ready to be turned into an application for a phone. To build a database like this paying a wage to someone would cost easily over a quarter of a million dollars in time and wages. No marketing has yet been done as I have been focusing on the data. Many possibilities exist. I will gladly discuss options and possibilities.

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