Phone Card Platform / Wholesale VOIP

Listing ID: 700166102

Listing Title: Phone Card Platform / Wholesale VOIP

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Industry: Retail

Industry Segment: Other Retail

Country: United States

State / Province: Florida


City: Sebring

Asking Price Range: < $250K

Gross Revenues: $20,000

Cash Flow: $15,000

Cash Flow Type: Sellers Discretionary Cash

Year Established: 2011

Number of Employees: 1 - 3

Business Description:
A full retail and whole sale VOIP solution. residents voip phone, phone card and Call back possible. The whole sale part come with VOX 3000 server, Cisco 3700 series and card server 100 ports and vox-300 10,000 ports. The retail side is only 20 ports but be expand to 100 port if you want with cisco machine.

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