Boat Repair Shop For Sale

Listing ID: 700163951

Listing Title: Boat Repair Shop For Sale

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Industry: Entertainment and Leisure

Industry Segment: Other Entertainment and Leisure

Country: United States

State / Province: Texas

Area Dallas/Fort Worth

City: Fort Worth

Asking Price Range: < $250K

Gross Revenues: $150,000

Cash Flow: $40,000

Cash Flow Type: Sellers Discretionary Cash

Year Established: 1999

Number of Employees: 1 - 3

Business Description:
Small successful boat repair shop. Located directly on major highway.Has been open for thirteen seasons. One full time and two part time employees can run this business and make a good living.Illness forces sale. Building is leased. You get a huge growing customer base, some new parts inventory, and alot of used parts inventory plus other various shop equipment.There is no outstanding debt. Posible owner finance with down payment, references,and credit check. Please leave your phone number and name when you respond, or we won't respond. Thank you!

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