Service Government And Bank Homes For Sale

Listing ID: 700160796

Listing Title: Service Government And Bank Homes For Sale

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Industry: Business Services

Industry Segment: Other Services

Country: United States

State / Province: California

Area Northern California - All Northern California

City: Grass Valley

Asking Price Range: < $250K

Gross Revenues: $55,000

Cash Flow: $40,000

Cash Flow Type: Sellers Discretionary Cash

Year Established: 2009

Number of Employees: 1 - 3

Business Description:
Service business providing cleaning, lawn service trash-out and minor repairs with re-occuring services and contracts in northern CA. Owner is to busy with an unrelated business to handle to amount of growth the business has had. Very Low Overhead. Huge potential for immediate expansion. Owner may finance with collateral for the right buyer. currently serving, Sutter, Yuba, Butte, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Plumas, Shasta Yolo and Sacramento areas. For more information please email or contact Sarah (broker) at 530-870-7139. Asking price $50,000.

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