Outstanding Pet Supplies Ecommerce Website For Sale


Listing ID: 700145101

Listing Title: Outstanding Pet Supplies Ecommerce Website For Sale

Quick Link: http://www.globalbx.com/listing.asp?bId=145101

Industry: Technology – Internet Related

Industry Segment: E-Commerce and E-Tailers

Country: United States

State / Province: Florida


City: Boca Raton

Asking Price Range: < $250K

Gross Revenues: Seller Will Provide

Cash Flow: Seller Will Provide

Cash Flow Type: Sellers Discretionary Cash

Year Established: 2009

Number of Employees: 1 - 3

Business Description:
I am looking for someone to take over my first class online pet supplies ecommerce store for sale with thousands of items. I will connect you to some of the best master wholesalers in the industry. My suppliers ship for me so i don't have to stock! Gross profit margins are generally 35% to over 100%. I also sell pet medications.And don't need a vet license because i have a pet pharmacy that ships for me and they are licensed. Meds are highly profitable and consumers save tons over what the vets charge them. I will connect you with the pharmacy too. Avoid pet websites that require you stock. You'll be stuck with a lot of products you don't sell and it will cost you a fortune. My arrangement is the best there is. I will show the new owner everything including ways to market effectively. My store is packed with marketing tools to make it easier. I will help you with unlimited support for 30 days. My store is so easy to operate that i believe my 13 year old son can run it. Everything is straight forward. Simple. Point-and-click. No prior computer experience is necessary. No reason to pay more than $3,900. You won't get more. I've been considered an internet industry expert for 15 years. You'll have me as a resource. Email or call at 954-933-5344 for more information on this pet supplies ecommerce website for sale.

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