Poker And Casino 100% Ownership Turnkey Business

Listing ID: 700111144

Listing Title: Poker And Casino 100% Ownership Turnkey Business

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Industry: Entertainment and Leisure

Industry Segment: Casinos

Country: United States

State / Province: New York



Asking Price Range: < $250K

Gross Revenues: $500,000

Cash Flow: $500,000

Cash Flow Type: Sellers Discretionary Cash

Year Established: 1999

Number of Employees: 10 - 19

Business Description:
Description We'd like to know if your company is interested in buying online casino software. We are now selling full casino sourcecodes price, $9,500. for full casino sourcecodes including software, and database With full casino sourcecodes, You own the sourcecodes. There are no royalties to pay. You can setup as many casino sites as you want, without additional cost. You can sublicense the software for additional revenue opportunities. You can do whatever you want. No download casino software backed by java technology. Stunning 3d graphics and sound add quality to our casino software. The casino software includes the popular games like roulette, craps, blackjack, caribbean poker, paigow, video poker games, slots, multi-line slots and more. Also it includes full marketing and management tools for your successful casino business. Check our website:, and (demo site). The price of the full casino sourcecodes including software, database and documents is JUST $9,500. Don't think that our software value is just $ 9,500. It's way beyond even $99,000. Check our software at the above websites. We are selling limited copies for this price on a first-come-first-served basis .com contact us if you are interested. Contact for more information.

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